Monday, August 14, 2006

Boy George's Stalkers' Letdown, THE Iranian Blog, Disney's Shocking Deal, and Today's Screw-Up

1. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided to join the blogging world (finally!) and wrote about his childhood, Iran's Islamic revolution and the war with Iraq for his first entry, which ends with a promise to keep postings shorter (than its current standing at 2,000 words, at least, in English). Blog delights include references to the U.S. as "Great Satan USA" and a poll's asking if the US and Isreal are "trying to trigger a new world war." (BBC)

2. Boy George's community service began today, but sorry Gawker stalkers, his trash-duties were quickly pulled indoors with the media frenzy that ensued. In all his safety-vested glory, George yelled, "You think you're better than me? Go home. Let me do my community service... This is supposed to make me humble. Let me do this." (AP)

3. Apocalypto, new movie from now notoriously-anti-Semitic drunkie Mel Gibson, has been picked up for distribution by Walt Disney. Omg, it's like the odd-couple... (IMDB)

4, Jennifer Aniston's publicist, Stephen Huvane, will apparently be pulling all his A-list clients like Gwenyth Paltrow, Demi Moore, and Kirsten Dunst from showing up on the "Today" show and planting them on Good Morning America thanks to Ann Curry's enthusiastic interview of US Weekly's Janice Min about Aniston's supposed engagement to Vince Vaughn. The thorn in this threat of course is...Demi Moore has movies to promote? (Page 6)


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