Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lohan Shooting, Drunk Celebrities, Jet-Lag Cure, and Soda--Yeah, Not So Healthy

1. Consider Lindsay Lohan a quadruple threat now that she is picking up shooting lessons to prepare herself for visiting US troops in Iraq: "My security guard is going to take me to a gun range... and I'm going to start taking shooting lessons. He says if I'm going to go there, I should really know how to shoot." Paparazzi, squirm uneasily starting... now. (Irish Examiner)

2. Because you're not a celebrity unless you're in rehab, Robin Williams' publicist admitted on the star's behalf that he has "found himself drinking again." (BBC)

3. If you're jet-lagged, a combination of power naps and caffeine can cure your corporeally-confused woes so "by the time the caffeine is working, your nap is over." (NYT)

4. According to Harvard study, a soda a day doesn't keep the doctor away but the activity done annually will pack on 15 extra pounds on you. So if you're feeling nostalgic for your freshman year of college, you know what to do. (Daily News)


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