Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sync Out, Saddam Quips, Arrested Across Mediums, Abortion Righted, and Oh-So-Rebellious NY Dems

Wants to pull an Ellen and have own gay TV show but based on "Odd Couple."

1. This just in--Lance Bass is gay. The former 'N Sync'er says he didn't disclose his sexuality earlier because he didn't want that to be the downfall of the boy band, so he chose now...uh, four years tell everyone. But sorry boys, he's already taken by Reichen Lehmkuhi, winner of season four's "Amazing Race." (AP)

2. Because the show itself is awesome, "Arrested Development" breaks ground by becoming the first series that has been simultaneously licensed by three different platforms: online (MSN), hi-def TV (HDNet), and basic cable (G4). The syndicated magic begins this fall. (TMZ)

3. Quote of the week can go to Saddam Hussein after his return to the courtroom from his hunger strike: "This case is not worth the urine of an Iraqi child." (AP)

4. Hellooooooo South Dakota! The Senate approved an abortion bill with a 65 (14 Dems + 51 pubs) to 34 vote yesterday, making it a federal crime to help an underage girl cross state lines to abort a baby without her parents' knowing (fyi, McCain yayed and Clinton nayed). This Senate-approved bill differs from the one the House passed last year outlawing a doctor's performing an abortion with notifying a parent 24 hours in advance. Bush urged the two chambers to settle their differences so he can sign a final bill. Snap to it people, there are reproductive rights to suppress! (IHT)

5. "Interesting insights" of yesterday's gubernatorial debate, as noted in Newsday, include Thomas Suozzi's and Eliot Spitzer's common admissions of using iPods, gambling, fast driving, and smoking pot. Oooh, they're soooOooo cool.


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