Naturally Sexed Up Octogenarian, Apple, Google, Lindsay, and the Indescribable Nast

"I have to be home before the sun comes up or I start panicking.
Unless it's, like, your birthday or whatever."
2. Apple is awesome, and it held a conference this week to tell the world, or, the opposite of that, San Francisco, just that, announcing a new line of desktop G5 hard drives embedded with Intel chips (Power Mac G5 succeeded by the Mac Pro) and Leopard, the new operating system will allow users to run Windows on the Mac, retrieve old or deleted files, and search for files on machines in a shared network. Chief exec. Steve Jobs noted Microsoft's spending $5b in research and development to copy Google and Apple and commented, "It's a good example of how money isn't everything." Suddenly all the cat names seem awfully appropriate. (SF Chronicle)
3. Partnering with, Google will be alerting their search users when they are about to click on websites that might harbor "malware," or software that might infect the user's computer with adware or spyware. Though don't pin monogamy onto Google just yet--it'll also team up with Viacom to offer video clips through its AdSense network, and you can already find MTV videos and ads there now. (TechNewsWorld, BusinessWeek)
4. With a "truly integrated marketing program" like Fashion Rocks, Condé Nast "does not like being called a mere magazine company, even though it publishes 27." Instead, take Richard Beckman's (President of CN's media group) lead and call them "content providers." Um, but that sounds like it sucks more. (NYT)
5. From the looks of Elle's September cover, it's not just Google and Apple making snide comments and, um, playing the field. On her dating life, Lindsay Lohan comments that she's not looking for monogamy and bad sex stops any of her relationships. As for Paris and the Brandon Davis firecrotch video? "Obviously, she's very comfortable making videos." Ooh, the claws. They are so chipped and black. (TMZ)
6. Your websites to check out today: (awesome--you type in a song or artist you like and it gives you a playlist--part of the music genome project. Ain't science grand?) and (free movie screenings at McCarren Park Pool in the exotic borough of Brooklyn).
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