Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Penny Finds Its Heroes, Babies Hate These Three, Charlie Chan Okay with NYT, and Jolie Tonight

1. Virgin's Sir Richard Branson, Kevin Federline, and Common Cents Policy Director Matthew Eggars will be signing the "Save the Penny" petition tomorrow at Times Square at 1:30. Finally, another trio to start off a joke with. (Gothamist)

2. Speaking of deadly threesomes, stress, dieting, and exercise can get females nothing but barren wombs. Well, baby me up. I hate all three. (Nature)

3. NYT decrees that Charlie Chan films were not racist and it's always right. Favorite line out of Dave Kehr's article though has to be "Chan, whose huge intellect mysteriously did not extend to an ability to master English articles ("Joy in heart more desirable than bullet"), might have been a stereotype, but he was a stereotype on the side of the angels." So glad to hear there is such a thing as a good stereotype. Thanks Dave!

4. "Yeah, well, I have a stupid income for what I do. You know what I mean?" Angelina Jolie will tell Anderson Cooper tonight. For more of a preview on her answers, click the source and tune in tonight at CNN if you don't know what she means. (DNA)


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