Friday, June 23, 2006

Naomi Doesn't Bail out Friends, Kidman Prenups, iPod and Cells Kill, But So Does Bird Flu

1. As Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban get ready for their wedding tomorrow, rest assured that they're prepared for the implied inevitable, having signed a prenup that has Kidman paying Urban $600k/year every year the couple stays together and no money if he drinks or does drugs too much. Well, if it doesn't work out, the $150m-valued Kidman should marry her lawyer. ( TMZ)

2. Try not to use your iPod or cell during a thunderstorm, because apparently they make for a deathly combo. Like standing next to a tree, you might find yourself acting like a beacon for lightning and potentially frying your innards. But hey, silver lining all--tasty treat for the next stray coyote wandering Central Park. ( Guardian Unlimited)

3. Producer Dallas Austin (hmm) is hold up in a Dubai jail as he was caught with drugs on his way to Naomi Campbell's 3-day birthday party last month. Austin, having worked with Madonna, Michael Jackson, Boyz II Men, and the Indigo Girls, has not received even a visit from the birthday girl, who reps say doesn't know anything about this. Ouch, talk about fair weather. ( Daily News)

4. To start off your weekend completely wrong and witha sense of doom, the H5N1 virus, aka bird flu, was transmitted person-to-person and did mutate through an Indonesian family, killing 7 out 8 members in a month. And so, this makes The Times' health editor Nigel Hawkes' quote the scariest of the week:
What happened in Sumatra has not, of itself, brought the prospect of a deadly pandemic strain of H5N1 any nearer. But if the experience is repeated often enough, the random rearrangement of genes will one day create a deadly strain. This could happen tomorrow, next year, or never. The only way of making sure it is never is by eliminating H5N1 avian flu, which at present seems to be beyond governments and the WHO.


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