Friday, May 26, 2006

Windows So Counterculture, Weed A-Ok, Britney Writes Her Feelings, British Freegans, and Condoleezza Idols

1. In some exciting PC news, Windows will be subverting the standard image file known as JPEG by releasing their own. Known as Windows Media Photo, Window's version is supposed to efficiently carry greater detail in half the size of a JPEG file. You know, like Mary Kate to Ashley. (PCMag)

2. Smokers can smoke away now with ease, well, if they're the weed-toking kind. The largest study to date by UCLA's pulmonologists showed that smoking marijuana does not increase cancer risk. (Science)

3. Britney Spears writes a poem, "Stream of Consciousness," on her website that seemingly references KFed. "You don't see me now/You ask yourself why/My crown is back/And it's way too high/For you to be in my presence/Especially my son/You should bow down/I've only just begun." Sounds like things are just working out fine.

4. You saw them on UPN News a few years back, but now they're plaguing London. Reuters covers the unappetizing protest against food waste by Freegans, also known as dumpster divers for food, that has hit Britain. The movement's move from the US to the UK might have been prompted by Freegan founding father Adam Weissman's website, which reaches out for others to join in the boycott

5. Condoleezza Rice is a huge fan of American Idol and Taylor Hicks, to whom she will be sending a congratulatory letter soon. What does this administration do? (Time)


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