Thursday, May 25, 2006

Enron Guilty, Honda Awesome, Hicks Victorious, and Fleet Week Now

With no affiliation to South Park's Awesome-O. I think.
1. AH! Ex-Enron execs Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling has been declared guilty of securities fraud by Houston's jury. Lay, convicted on 6 counts of conspiracy and fraud faces 45 years, while Skilling, convicted on 19 out of 28 counts of conspiracy, insider trading, lying, and fraud, will be facing 185 years in prison. Sentencing will take place on the not-at-all loaded day of September 11th. (Forbes)

2. Honda declared its new technology developments in using the power of our minds to control robotic movements. In a video demonstration in Tokyo, brain signals were sent to a MRI scanner to a robotic hand, which then made the desired V-sign (victoire!). This has incredible significance for Asimo aka Honda's robot, people with spinal cord injuries, and people who are just *yawn* really *robot* lazy. (AP)

3. Hop on over to Honda's website to find out more on Asimo, the walking and running-capable robot from Japan. Standing tall at 5'1", it can even handle the tasks of a receptionist, the site says, with its abilities to "recognize the surrounding environment," "give and receive an object such as a tray in a timely manner," or "hold the hand of a person and move in sync." I suddenly have a newfound respect for receptionists. Thank you Honda.

4. The prematurely gray dude, Taylor Hicks is now the new American Idol. I would say who cares but apparently all of America does. Ryan Seacrest commented on the 63.4 million votes as "more than any President in this country has ever received." True, but to our country's credit don't Idol citizens get more than one vote and to some politicians' discredit, sometimes it's better to lower the number of votes, say from particular minorities. Take that Seacrest. (LSE)

5. Fleet week is now, people. For all the answers to your important questions of correct attire, age or physical requirements, go here.


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