Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Breathing is for the Poor, Bono Edits Paper, Stay-at-Home Equals Fat Study, and The U.S.'s Crazy Health Care

1. For the cubicler, there is now "O2 Supli," a $5.50 can of oxygen selling in Japan's Seven-Eleven's. Minoru Matsumoto, a Seven-Eleven spokesman, comments, "People are under a lot of stress and can't get much exercise, so they aren't getting enough oxygen." Man, to be in a country where even breathing is commoditized. For shame, America, it was once your forte. For shame. (Reuters)

2. Bono's edition of The (Red) Independent came out today. While commendable for its donations to the Global Fund to Fight Aids, the star-edited paper might have fared better without his sunglassed and iconic face on the cover's corner, the article called, "The Big Question: Can rock stars change the world?" (answer: no, maybe, okay...yes!), and Bono's letter that included this sentence, "I am as sick of messianic rock stars as the next man, woman and child." (The Independent)

3. Whilst speaking on Canadian health care reform in Toronto, Bill Clinton said the answer to Canada's woes would definitely not come from looking at America's "insane" system but those of other countries'. The heckler in me is inclined to yell 'turncoat' but I'm also practically socialist. *cue Natalie* (Globe and Mail)

4. A study from the University College London found that stay-at-home moms were more likely to become obese or in worse health in their 60s than "working" (or uh, "go-to-offices" to be p.c.) moms. I always knew kids were sickly and sickly-causing things. (Fox)


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