Monday, May 22, 2006

Madonna Crucifixes, EU Sighs, Meat Eaters Conflicted, Clarence Thomas Prays, and Smokers Chew Gum

1. Montenegro has just declared itself independent from Serbia, though is met with reluctance from EU officials due to managing another microstate that will have as much influence as political heavyweights Germany, France and Britain. There is also the division of assets, healthcare and military that Montenegro has to deal with. Finally, politics have just combined the delightful qualities of the NBA draft and divorce. (CS Monitor)

2. Twin births have tripled in the past thirty years in the US, and a Long Island Medical Center study is attributing this trend to the bovine growth hormone in the food supply. Translation, meat eaters and baby fearers, you've been warned. (Daily Mail)

4. Clarence Thomas told Dubya's sister, Doro Bush Koch, at her book signing party, that "We have to pray for your borther. He's in real trouble." Be it a reference to his poor ratings, political decisions, perhaps a slip and slide in the personal (or drugs?), it's all so juicily dramatic. (Daily News)

5. Finnish researchers will be releasing a new gum that will freshen your breathe, brighten your smile, and combat cancer. Before you Scooby Doo your "er," the new gum, targetting smokers, drinkers and a combination of the two, contains cysteine which decreases acetaldehyde levels that smoking and drinking increase. Kat Arney, a spokeswoman for Cancer Research UK, comments, "It's a nice idea, and I'm sure people would buy it. But it seems a bit cynical — a bit of a sop to our quick-fix culture." *Puff* *Drink* What? (Nature)


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