Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Michelle Rodriguez Goes to Jail Longer, Apes Drink Wine, Parents Lie to Themselves, and Michelle William's Dad Might Share Cot with Rodriguez

1. "I'm a gypsy. I can see beauty in a jail cell," Michelle Rodriguez commented last week in NY. Appropriate, since she has just been sentenced to 2 months in LA for violating her probation. (People)

2. Apes in Budapest's Zoo drink 55 liters of red wine each year to boost their red blood cells. No worries though, according to the zoo's spokesman Zoltan Hanga, as it's only in small amounts of table wine mixed in with their tea. No worries but grossssssss.... (Reuters)

3. A combined textual and graphic study from Northwestern demonstrated that most parents failed to see their children as obese. Only 36% of the parents to obese children described their children accurately. Oddly enough though, 70% of them chose a heavier visual representation of their child. Stranger still, a group of seeing-eye dogs in the room barked in laughter and said, "Oh you parents!" (NYT)

4. Michelle William's dad, investment whiz Larry Williams, 64, was arrested in Australia yesterday, as he faces tax evasion charges in the US for hiding $1.5 million in income from 1999 to 2001. His lawyer commented that Williams was not evading taxes but participated in a legal "tax-minimization" program. Golly, that does sound legit. (Page Six)


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