Friday, May 12, 2006

"Drink-/ Dental-/ Bill-/ Web-and-Desktop-Victor-/ Urine-Drinking -Movie-Magic-" Making

1. In entering the world of pretension, everything made has to be raised to an art form and accordingly worded as such. Thus, welcome to bartending's version, where drinks are infused with the smoke of a vanilla bean, topped with intricately flavored foams, blasted with liquid nitrogen, or pumped with tasteful airs from the sea or a vegetable, and is not really quite air anyway but the phospholipidic lecithin. Essentially this is no different from molecular gastronomy, or scientific cooking, but when writer Peter Meehan asked WD-50 chef Wylie Dufresne to label this process of drink making, Dufresne commented, "It's my job to cook. It's your job to come up with the names for it." Meehan deems at the end of the article that "molecular mixology" will do for now. Who knew the mainstream-influential NYT would be the maker of markers?

2. Britain's National Dental Survey found that 60% of their residents used screwdrivers, scissors, knives, keys, needles, forks, earrings, and the like to remove food stuck in their teeth. This unfortunately does nothing for the stereotype. (Reuters)

3. A $70b tax break bill has passed through the Republican-dominant Senate yesterday with a 54-44 vote. With a name that was probably polled, the "Tax Increase Prevention Act" has been met with criticism from Democrats and non-profits as favoring the wealthy and oil companies. Provisions that have been dropped include one closing out an inventory accounting practice, "last in, first out," done by big oil that lowers their tax burden, and another that allowed for a $4,000 deduction for college tuition. Republicans hope that the passage of this bill boosts the party's and Bush's currently low approval ratings. (Washington Post)

4. In response to Google's treading on its hood first, Microsoft will be launching its first search-advertising network this month. Google, of course, will be offering new services that undoubtedly is making Microsoft sweat some: the Google Desktop with widgetlike Gadgets; Google Notebook, a web-based note-taking program; and Google Trends, a frequency charter for specific search terms over certain periods. Let the tech blood spill. (Business Week)

5. The quote this week that will tide you over your weekend dose withdrawal comes from Josh Lucas who told EW recently about his Poseidon adventures, "Anytime you put a lot of grips and special-effects people in water, there's going to be urine ... And you got comfortable to the point where you were drinking it." Ah, the real Water World, I see. (Daily News)


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