Friday, April 14, 2006

The Banker Blogs, The Invalid Types, The Bear Mauls, and The Singles Eat

Riveting read.
1. In the grand ol' year of 1982, Mudjimba's (Australia) Les Stewart began typing all the numbers from one to a million in words and finished typing sixteen years later. He holds the world record for "typing numbers in words." Natch. (Record Holders)

2. When you thought there would be no room for another blogger, who greases and squeezes himself in but, of course, The Banker from Deal or No Deal. On the contestants, he says, "If I have to hear about another 'deserving teacher,' I'll hurl a bucket of bile right out the Bank window onto the stage." He doesn't sound anything like this on the show. Oh, his inner pain.

3. For his new cd, "A Lively Mind," Paul Oakenfold teams up with Pharrell, Grandmaster Flash, and ...Brittany Murphy? The title track is called "Faster Kill Pussycat," which I'm assuming is not what she is trying to do with this song, though the total lack of irony would be refreshing these days. Click here for clip.

4. In another incident where a person's face becomes mauled by an animal (this time, a bear), Li Guoxing, 30, becomes the first recipient of a face transplant in China. Or to sound more impressive, he becomes the first man to receive a first transplant in the world (deceptive but true). Go China; thank you, bear. (BBC)

5. Fox will be joining the new network trend of going on the World. Wide. Web. In its attempt to grab the webby demographic, it has just signed a six-year agreement with its 187 affiliated stations that will allow it to show its reruns online. I'm sure all the porno folks are patting themselves on the back for their trailblazing. (Reuters)

6. If you're single, don't forget to celebrate Black Day today. The cheery-sounding holiday comes from Korea, where single people eat Jajang (which are black) noodles with black bean sauce. For some reason, the carb-friendly day hasn't quite taken off as Valentine's has. (Topics)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello V! this is my first time on the daily dose. you're right - it does quite have the feel of a news report. will be back...keep up the good work, ace.

Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. we should've had zhajiang mian for black day! mmm (chinese) zhajiang mian...

Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:32:00 AM  

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