Friday, May 05, 2006

Permanent Puppy Fat, Naked Madonna, Autistic Children, Editing Bono, and Thank You Tom Cruise

1. "You'll lose your baby fat," everyone used to tell you as a kid. Well, a five-year study of 6,000 kids proved that consolatory statement to be wrong wrong wrong. A clinical psychologist and professor of University College London, Jane Wardle says, "Any notion of 'puppy fat' disappearing upon maturation must be abandoned. Children who are obese when they enter secondary school will very likely leave it obese." It's like finding out Santa isn't real. (Daily Mail)

2. Madonna, 47, will appear topless in W magazine. Dressed as an equestrian, she will total 58 pages in W magazine and will be photographed by Steven Klein. How Sharon Stone of her, minus the bad movie. (Female First)

3. Thanks to Tom Cruise, none of us can just ultrasound our babies whenever we wish. The California Assembly has just approved a bill today that would allow only licensed professionals to buy ultrasound machines. What next, no more crazy bouts of couch jumping? MI3 better be good. (AP)

4. A national study in yesterday's CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report finds that autism is more "widespread" than thought, in 300,000 US children, or 1 out of 175, which, really, translates to .5%...ooooh. C'mon Tribune, lets use "widespread" when we reach integral percentages. (Chicago Tribune)

5. After his stint as a guest editor for BBC Radio 4 to raise awareness on global poverty, philanthropic Bono will be editing The Independent, the daily UK newspaper, for one day to bring more attention to AIDs in Africa. Someone get him and Angelina Jolie together already. (BBC)


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