Farfrompoopen Friday news

He continues, "Although, I'll guarantee you, I wasn't sober."
Thank god. I was afraid he did all that with a clear head. He's still attractive then....
2. Paris Hilton was dancing with Rick Salomon and Brandon Davis at the General Motors (*still laughing*) Fashion show. Nothing weird about a girl dancing with the ex-boyfriend who sold your sex tapes or the guy who accused you of being racist right? Do it all the time! (Daily News)
3. Dave Chapelle. Block Party. Out. Finally. I think the Dark Crusaders would approve. Who wouldn't with that line up?
4. Happy Birthday US Mint! ...and Jessica Biel... (Coincidence? Hmm...)
5. Off the beach of a Dutch island, 58 storm-wrecked containers let loose thousands of shoes, children's toes and aluminum briefcases, which were being filtered by crowds of booty-hunters. Why do only whimsical things happen in the Netherlands?! Oh wait...not Neverland. Silly me. (AP)
6. Constipation Ridge. Deer Licks. Farfrompoopen Road. Divorce Court. But nothing beats Psycho Path. Not even Shades of Death Rd, who wasn't even remotely close. (Misubishi Motors Poll)
The Web site www.thecarconnection.com that reported on the Street Names Contest sponsored by Mitsubishi Motors had at least one error in reporting that the intersection of Stroke and Acoma is in Lake Havasu, Wis. There is no town named Lake Havasu in Wisconsin. There is, however, a Lake Havasu City in Arizona, and Stroke Drive is near the golf course. Acoma is not “a coma” but is the name of an ancient Indian tribe.
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