Thursday, February 23, 2006

Favorite news items of the day

The consequentially inconsequential things you should know for today:

1. Gmail has barred me from entering their site...or work has after realizing I spend way too much time on this site...hopefully ban is lifted soon. I am suffering from withdrawal from the supposedly evil email provider. Current status: sobbing.

2. Actual news, but scary! South Dakota's lawmakers have voted yesterday to outlaw nearly all abortions (incl. rape, incest, danger to preggers' health; excl. danger to preggerz' life). SD Republican, abortion-opposing, Mike Rounds has 15 days to decide to sign and enact the bill.

3. Jonathan Rhys-Myers and La Lohan spotted in New York's Spotted Pig and Bungalow 8 together...potential new couple alert?...except that she's also been seen with Olympic Gold snowboarding winner Shaun White at 8 this Tuesday. Slutterific, unofficial word, at least now has a new face.
And to see the face of the gold medalist, it is...

Good to know that Lindsay is no real-life mean girl.

4. Egg on hipsters' face! Flash mobs turned out to be hipster puppetry aka social experiment aka Harper's senior editor Bill Wasik's invention to analyze the "hollow hipster culture" --to read the article,
What I find completely bizarre about all this is what kind of self-respecting hipster participated in flash mobs? I thought hipsters were supposedly hip...

5. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are set to marry early March. Invitations have been set out. Breath-holding can start now.

6. Kid Rock wins temporary ban against Red Light District's (distributor of 1 Night in Paris) selling of his and devout Christian Scott Stapp's tape. Or was it Red Light District that won? Or the general public?...hmmm...

7. According to a Virgin Mobile study, millions are suffering from thumb and finger damage due to increased use of sms'ing (London). Worries among psychologists include that users might have sms-addiction problems or worse, will be increasingly awkward in face-to-face meetings. Yuck.

8. Gmail withdrawal status: life sucks.


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